After ringing in the new year, it is the perfect time for digital marketers to sit down and evaluate new opportunities for the future. This process not only involves looking ahead but also looking to the past. Evaluating marketing techniques that you have been using thus far will help you determine what is and isn’t working. Using this information, you can then come up with a plan for how to continue getting great results in the future.
One of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to marketing is playing it safe. Continuing to do exactly what you have been doing without making any changes is a surefire way for your marketing campaigns to become stagnant. As tempting as it might be, you can’t count on your current strategy working forever. Digital marketing is always changing. If you don’t keep up with these changes, you will quickly fall behind. The following section evaluates some of the most effective digital marketing strategies that you can use to promote your business in 2018 and beyond.
Video Marketing And Live Streaming
Online video consumption as at an all-time high. In fact, every single day, users log on to Facebook and watch 8 billion videos. On Snapchat that number is closer to 10 billion videos. Those numbers are staggering and are a clear indication of why video marketing is so important for any business.
Evaluate your current online presence, thinking about how effectively you are using video in your marketing efforts. Sit down and brainstorm some ideas for videos that you can create that will actively engage your audience, keeping them entertained and helping to build long-term connections with your followers. You may need to test and tweak your approach after seeing how your followers respond to your videos. The important thing is to start using this powerful marketing medium to your advantage. You can always fine-tune your strategy as you get feedback along the way.
Content Marketing
Ask any NYC SEO expert and they will tell you that creating fresh, relevant content on a regular basis is absolutely essential if you want to succeed in today’s online world. A good way to make sure that you stay on task is by developing a content calendar. This calendar can be used to plan out the various types of content that you plan to share through all of your online channels.
For each piece of content that you develop, you need to determine which delivery method will help it have the greatest impact. Every piece of content needs to be targeted to the audience that will receive it. When putting together your content calendar, make note of not only the types of content you are going to develop but also how you plan to deliver them to your customers.
You need to take different approaches for each of your online marketing channels. Really think about the people who utilize each of the platforms that you use. For instance, the people who follow you on Facebook may be far different than the ones who follow you on Snapchat. Likewise, people who visit your website are most likely looking for different types of content than those who find you through your YouTube channel. Your goal should be to create a consistent brand that provides targeted content through each of your online marketing channels.
Consider Tapping Into AI and VR
Artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) are major buzzwords in today’s world. With some creativity, you may be able to incorporate these cutting-edge tools into your marketing plan. Think about how you can leverage these new technologies for your business.
Influencer Marketing
Major influencers on social media have tremendous sway when it comes to convincing people to buy certain products or use certain services. If you can get these influencers to endorse your products or services, you can dramatically increase your sales while at the same time building name recognition for your brand.
An important part of your marketing strategy should be identifying these influencers. You should then keep track of the types of content that they post and the types of people that they are able to reach. When you identify potential partners, contact them to see if they are willing to work with you.