Hey there! The season is approaching and experts warn that it’s going to be difficult for people with allergies. Are there ways to keep the allergies at bay, and prevent them from hitting you harder than ever? Alright, if that is your worry, don’t panic. There are proven ways to survive the allergy season and stay healthy all through.

Stick Around.

  1.   Make Sure That It Really Is Allergies

Getting to know whether you are suffering from allergies is the first step in mitigating its effects when it comes knocking. Many people find it difficult to differentiate seasonal allergies from a cold. Seasonal allergies are just like that-Seasonal, as opposed to colds which appear irrespective of seasons.

Another way to establish whether it is allergies is monitoring the symptoms. Colds tend to come with fever and headaches, unlike allergies. Allergies tend to have no headache because they result when immune system overacts to harmless substances like pollen. Colds are known to be caused by a virus, and they usually take a week or so.

As it becomes clear whether it’s cold or allergies, then it becomes simple, engaging survival tips when its season hits proper. You should now plan ahead of the season, and probably take allergy medication before its onset. Don’t wait until symptoms show up.

  1.   Consult An Expert

This takes you to the next step. If you are using drugs all through without relief, it’s now time to consult an allergist. A qualified allergist is better placed to advise you on best products which may work best for you.

Once an allergist identifies what triggers your allergic reaction, he/she will develop a treatment plan that best suits you. The focus will be to make you survive the allergy season while living a symptom-free life.

You should consult an allergist when you notice the following:

  • Your allergies result in chronic infections, difficulty in breathing and nasal congestion.
  • When you experience hay fever which extends to better part of the year.
  • When anti-histamine and over-the-counter prescriptions don’t reduce the symptoms or result to dangerous sides effects such as drowsiness.
  • When your productivity decreases on daily basis.
  • When you start experiencing asthmatic attacks such much struggle to catch your breath, tightness in chest or wheezing and coughing.
  1.   Keep Current on the Weather Updates

It may be no surprise to have a runny nose or watery eyes during the rainy season. Weather change is the major allergy trigger.

If you’re suffering from seasonal allergies, you should give attention to weather change updates. For instance, experts say that when the weather keeps 60 degrees or above, pollens are likely to be released into the air.

The change of seasons has a great effect on allergies.

For instance, in:

  •        Spring – In cold places, the plants are known to release pollen in March or February. Pollen is biggest cause of spring allergies.
  •        Summer – Grass pollen is known to be released during early summer, ragweed, mold and other weeds are known to hit their peak during summer.
  •        Fall – You now mold becomes worst in cold states during the fall
  •        Winter -This is when indoor pollen become a threat because when it’s cold outside, you resort to staying indoors, hence becoming a victim.
  1.   Never Assume Allergy Symptoms

DON’T brush off your allergic symptoms as just a mere allergy. When these symptoms show up for a long time, they may take a big toll on your life and become chronic or even life-threatening.

It’s not wrong to give into your body’s demands when you feel weak and awful. Rest, have enough sleep and even take a day off work.

Overworking your body when it demands a break makes matters worse. Take a break, when need be.

  1.   Consider Immunotherapy Medicine

When the season for allergy kicks in, taking immunotherapy pills or some special treatment medicine may slap your allergy, and even prevented the worst- asthmatic attacks.

These pills are however useful in treating allergies which are triggered by one allergen. On the other hand, allergy shots can be administered to address various allergens at once.

Administering immunotherapy pills can significantly reduce the risk of moderate or severe asthma attacks.

  1.   Purify Your Air

Allergens that cause allergies dwell in the air, and it may be hard to eliminate them from their dwelling. However, making a bold step of filtering the air around your home may significantly improve the quality of the air you breathe.

To make your air conditioning more effective, you should use high-quality air filters and change them frequently as per manufacturer’s directions.

If quality air is what you need, you will then have to keep your house dust free as well, to eliminate allergy-inducing debris.

  1.   Know When to Work Out

You should consider exercising when pollen reduces in the air. Morning is generally considered to be miserable. Before you start your exercise, you will want to be sure about the pollen content at aaaa.org, an American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

When pollen count is high, you should consider doing your work out indoors. Get to know the ideal time for your work out.

Instead of suffering during allergy season, the above tips will help you navigate through. Make use of them and keep seasonal allergy at bay or get long-term relief from allergic symptoms.

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