
We welcome all would-be contributors to our side of the internet.

Generally we’re interested in facts about styled articles, and if your chosen theme has a decent amount of interest in terms of our editor’s opinion we can publish the article on this site, or since the merger with BytePartner, one of our other sites in the network.

Guidelines for writing for Incredible Planet

  • No promotional content for any one business or entity. This is by far the most common reason for not getting accepted. We have real visitors, and our readers do not wish to know technical details about your hair dryer or other product. Please keep the topic interesting, instead write about hairstyles over the time or something else that’s relevant. (If you wish we can perhaps arrange a sponsored post or advertorial instead)
  • Minimum 500 words
  • Unique and copyscape passing (should go without saying)
  • We have the right to deem topics inappropriate even if they are not affiliated with; medicine, tobacco, gambling, adult, illegal, spam etc. This often includes low quality post submissions.
  • We prefer articles with keyword titles that have Google Adwords keyword scores of low competition and 1k+ monthly searches, contact us for more info on this if you’re unsure.