Restraining orders can be potentially a life-changing sentence for most. Restraining orders issued against family members can restrain your freedom to visit your own home, safeguard your work gear like tools, and be in touch with your loved ones like your child at risk.
Furthermore, restraining orders can also mean hefty financial bills. For example, you may be asked to pay for health care for the other party, counseling session, additional child support, attorney fees, and more. Additionally, once you receive the notice for a court case, the first hearing is held within 10 days in New Jersey. If you are in immediate danger of facing false restraining order charges, be sure to contact a New Jersey restraining order defense lawyer immediately. Below are some main types of restraining orders in New Jersey.
Temporary Restraining Order
There are three main types of restraining orders in New Jersey. These include Temporary Restraining Order (TRO), Final Restraining Order (FRO), and sexual assault. These orders much like most protection from abuse orders are aimed at protecting the victim from the abuser. Hence, if you are being falsely accused, you will face a legal notice and subsequent TRO without your presence being required legally.
This is an important legal ramification, if you have been accused unfairly, it can prevent you access to your home, to the gear needed for work, and may require you to stay away from your children. A TRO can last until the hearing, which is usually held in 10 days. On the other hand, if you have been a victim of a sexual assault, this order can immediately protect you from further aggravation or assaults.
For example, the judge can issue an order without the presence of the other party, or even just based on your sworn testimony. Be sure to exercise your right with caution, as personal biases can play an important role in such cases.
Final Restraining Order
FROs, as the name implies, are the final verdict in relation to TROs. These are usually pronounced after the final hearings. These are invoked in circumstances of domestic relationships, domestic violence, and usually under emergency circumstances.
The legal implication of these is very straightforward – this is the final judgment determining blame, and identifying the victim. After the final verdict, the defendant will be photographed, fined, fingerprinted. Furthermore, the defendant will also be stripped of their right to own a firearm in New Jersey.