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Among the most important and famous games, within the framework of live casinos, roulette has been able to withstand time, thanks to some distinctive elements that have made it one of the most impactful attractions in the context of the gambling halls of the past, in the present and for the future. Even today, although there is a long time behind it, the game of roulette has a particular magnetic charm, among the attractions of live casino, especially.

Roulette over time

Establishing what was the merit of such a lucky and long-lived game is not so simple, since there is precisely a long history behind it, which starts right from Europe and is the shore between Italy, France and England, starting from the first invention of what had been called a swivel, between the late and early 19th century. A game introduced with luck and good fortune in the courts of France in the 1800s, there are several hypotheses on its origins, where the most credited indicate as an ancestor a game born in Ancient Greece and another, rather similar imported from distant China. Among the various hypotheses there is also the rather fascinating one that its creator in the thinker Blaise Pascal would like, all suggestive theses, but which cannot be investigated due to the lack of a precise location and historical testimony. Certainly it must be said that this album, divided into 37 sections, not counting the American variant which instead counts 38, began to become popular during the late nineteenth century in Europe, while subsequently it experienced lustres and successes all over the world, America, Oceania and Asia in particular.

The basic strategies for the game of roulette

As for the more strictly strategic issue, it is important to say that in the game of roulette, as with any other attraction, one must try to win and beat the bank, which can naturally count on an initial advantage of 2.5 – 2.8 %, as regards the classic or European roulette numbers, while the advantage will increase exponentially, as regards the US variant, due to the fact that there is an additional number, the double zero, which leads the player to a natural disadvantage calculated on 5.2 – 5.4%, with 2/38 chance of success. To this statistical percentage, we must also count the possibility of the bank’s theoretically unlimited credit line against the player who is virtuous and able to stand up to him.

Some techniques and strategies to evaluate the number possibilities in the game of roulette

For those who decide to go into the casino game like bong88, acquiring skills is a necessary component, in order to reduce the natural advantage of the dealer. There are therefore some methods and tools that can help and give more maneuvering possibilities to the player who decides to bet on roulette, which is precisely considered one of the classic and most important attractions, for the context of the online casino. Today also the offer of online gaming is linked to the chain of virtual casinos, which in recent years have obtained good feedback from active users who have tried this type of online game.

It is well known that the game of roulette is considered, as far as less experienced people are concerned, to the preserve of luck, an element that is not contemplated as regards the owners and managers of the gambling halls who instead know well what to rely on: calculus, mathematics and statistical science.

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