We are in the age of a streaming revolution. The streaming services have a lot to offer from low prices, instant access, and vast catalogs of movies, music, and show, straight through your TV. Now is the time to buy a media-streaming device whether you are looking to supplement your Cox cable package or just cutting that cable cord. 

These streaming devices have successfully galvanized innovation in streaming technology by mimicking a traditional TV subscription. 

With this increasing trend, we came up with a comprehensive guide on the best streaming devices giving you unlimited entertainment at an affordable cost. 

Here are the top streaming devices you should get your hands on: 

Amazon Fire TV Stick  

If you feel like talking to someone when there is no one around, you should try getting Amazon Fire TV Stick. It lets you talk to your TV and surprisingly, it responds back *wink wink*. There is no secret revelation behind this; it is just powered by Alexa. 

The most amazing feature about this device is that it is easily the most budget friendly option available in the market and lets you stream high-definition content from Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, and even Hulu. It comes with a voice remote and has a lightning-fast response for all your requirements. 

The 4K version supports ultra-HD 4K streaming with Dolby Atmos soundtracks for truly immersive audio quality and TV watching experience. 

Roku Streaming Ultra 

Roku Streaming Ultra is a well-rounded streaming device powered by Roku’s excellent interface. The device brings a slew of amazing features. It supports 4K streaming and like any other high-end streamer, comes with Dolby Atmos audio. Moreover, its discreet design goes beyond just its physical profile. You can set it anywhere in your house without any Ethernet cable and has the powerful 802.11ac dual-band wireless support. 

This isn’t it. Just like all the Roku Devices, it comes with a user-friendly interface that lets you navigate through the app without any hassle. You also get the voice search feature and it is arguably, the best streaming device available in the market. 

Nvidia Shield TV Pro

It is the best streaming device for gamers. You get all the fancy features such as 4K streaming, Dolby Atmos and some premium gaming features. It comes with a library of more than 200 games to play via Android TV. This feature is most suited for the PC gamers as they get the ability to stream PC games to their Shield TV. The device comes with a 16 GB storage, remote control with voice-command, and Google Assistant. 

You can access Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, and YouTube in 4K. For regular high-definition streaming, you get everything available on the Play Store such as Twitch, HBO NOW, Fox, and CBS. 

Apple TV 

If you live and breathe Apple products, Apple TV will be a valuable addition to your collection. You get a seamless TV experience across all your Apple products. The device comes with a superfast A10X Fusion processor. You do not have to enter passwords manually as it copies login information directly from your iPhones, laptops, and iPads. You get access to a huge library of iTunes where you can stream movies, TV shows, and listen to your favorite music.

With the latest Apple Arcade update, you can turn your Apple TV into a gaming platform to play all the games available on iStore. Most importantly, the platform supports DualShock from Sony and Xbox 1 controllers. 

With Siri, you have a smart assistant with you to navigate through the content available on Apple TV. You can ask intuitive questions like “Show me 4K TV Shows on Netflix.”

Although the library falls way behind Roku’s, but you can access all platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Sling TV. 

Google Chromecast 

If you do not want to spend on a 4K TV and are looking for a cheap and viable option for streaming, Google Chromecast should be your ultimate choice. Chromecast gives you the liberty of controlling everything from your smartphone and lets you use all the applications on your phone from your TV. The device supports Google Assistant; a perfect choice for those with limited TV usage.

So, which one are you going to get? Let us know in the comment section below.

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