IAS Aspirants often regard IAS toppers as their role models and try to perceive the study materials, sources and the books for UPSC exam followed by IAS toppers.
It is crucial for aspirants to select the best books for UPSC exam preparation out of the surfeit of study material available both offline and online.
Considering the need of the UPSC 2020 aspirants, we are providing the latest and most important books for UPSC that are referred by almost all IAS topper to make the preparation for IAS exam a smooth ride.
The best books for UPSC preparation can vary for different candidates depending on their knowledge and expertise in the subject matter. However, this article gives you a subject-wise list of the books for UPSC recommended by the toppers.
Books for UPSC Recommended by IAS Toppers
IAS toppers recommend that candidates preparing for UPSC 2020 must start their preparation with NCERT books and then forge ahead to the standard reference books.
Given below are the important books to refer and come out with flying colors in UPSC 2020 exam:
To prepare for History, aspirants can refer to these Books:
- India’s Struggle for Independence – Bipan Chandra
- Facets of Indian Culture – Spectrum &
- NCERT XI – XII for Ancient, Medieval & Modern Indian History
Books for Geography:
- World Atlas
- Certificate Physical Geography – G C Leong
- Old Syllabus from NCERT VI – X and New Syllabus of NCERT XI, XII
Books Indian Polity: Indian Polity can be best prepared by NCERT IX – XII and the book by M Laxmikanth
Book for Economics: Best books to refer for economics are Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh, Economic Development & Policies in India – Jain & Ohri and NCERT XI
For International Relations UPSC preparations candidates should refer NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics) and Current Affairs
For CSAT papers candidates should go through Tata McGraw Hill CSAT Manual, CSAT II by Arihant and R S Aggarwal for Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning.
In order to be successful in the most coveted Civil Services exam, it is imperative that aspirants have access to the best books, study material and latest syllabus to prepare for the UPSC exam.