Summertime has all the perks, expects for all the insects. Especially these mosquitoes that keep buzzing around the ear when one is trying to sleep. Apart from the annoying sound, mosquitoes can be dangerous for the health as they transfer disease through just one bite. Once you get bitten by a mosquito, the skein will be swollen for a couple of hours giving the sensation of severe itching.
As the days are getting warmer every day, more people are going to be driven outside to have a bit of cool breeze, once the sun is set. It is the time for mosquitoes to get their work done. If you are living in one of the hottest areas, there are good chances that you are going to be affected by them.
In such conditions, it is necessary to take some precautionary measures.
- Keep vegetation in check
Usually, in the daytime when the sun is fully shining, there are very few chances that you will see any mosquito. This is because mosquitoes cannot survive in such harsh conditions, they need to have the moist and moderate temperature to grow. During the daytime, they take shelter under the thick vegetations. Keep your garden clean as well as mown the grass regularly. Make sure that the grass doesn’t grow above a few inches.
- Get rid of standing water
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in water. If you don’t want your home to be the hub of mosquito, get rid of any standing water. It quite happens a lot, that you are using all best type of mosquito killer and doing everything right, but still the amount of mosquito increases every day? This is because somewhere in your house mosquitoes have laid their eggs, you keep killing the flying mosquitoes, but the eggs grow into new ones every day. The cycle keeps going on and on. You keep wasting your money and keep having no results at all.
- Electric mosquito trap
Like everything else, when you fail to control things naturally, technology steps in. Here, again when things get out of control, install an electric mosquito trap. It has proven to be very efficient. One of the best benefits is that it is a one-time investment and you are going to get the benefit for a long period of time. There are several types of mosquito traps that are available in the market, like the Executioner Fly Swat Wasp Bug Mosquito Swatter Zapper, but it requires quite a lot of effort. You will have to use it by your hands to kill the insects. Other types are just installed in the room and they take care of the rest of the matters.
- Keep your windows and doors covered
If you are having a large number of mosquitoes inside your house, that is because they are getting through the doors and windows. Keep the windows and door closed right after the sun sets and even if it is possible, do it slightly before the sunset. If you do not want to close them, and keep the ventilation going, try to cover them up. Invest in mosquito curtains. They are available at quite low prices and prove amazing service.
- Mosquito repellent lotions
Usually, if you are outside, you cannot control the number of mosquitoes buzzing around you. You can kill some, but they will keep growing and growing. The best solution is to apply something to your skin so that no insect comes near you. There is large amount of variety available in the market, that does not do any harm to the skin and repels every kind of insect.