India is one of the most unsafe countries for women that is not at war. We have a significantly skewed birth ratio due to female infanticide, dowry though outlawed is still a very common convention and child marriage and even witch burning is still practiced in the country. Not just that domestic abuse is rampant and rape is a tool of the state. Some groups of women are more prone to being raped, for example, Dalits, Adivaasis, Kashmiri Muslims, north eastern women, mentally disabled women etc.

Wait. Isn’t that a lot of women? Look, I am not claiming that other groups have it easier. Every ethnic group thinks that the honour of that group is embedded in the vagina of the women of that group. This leads to a lot of abuse. I know you will say why can’t women just be independent? But that is kind of difficult when you are being killed off in your mom’s womb.

No place is safe for a woman in India. Not even their mother’s womb. There, too, patriarchy will slither its way in and ruin the future of the girl child. It is kind of the only thing patriarchy does well – ruining lives. Anyway, my point being, given the situation of women in India and women everywhere in the world it is very important to equip people with the necessary tools to root out violence from their society. How do we begin this? Where do we start talking? How do we tell the uninitiated about patriarchy and how it harms everyone? We need to organize programmes in order to talk to the people. To organize these, we need money. Here is where crowdfunding India comes in. You can tell me that women can simply be armed or be equipped to fight. My objection is that it is not a long term solution and that it does not change mindsets. If women in India are to have a moment’s peace devoid of violence, then change in mentality must come first.

How do we change this mentality? We go for awareness workshops. To organize these takes time, energy and money. Crowdfunding India can help with that. NGO crowdfunding and medical crowdfunding are fairly common. If you are an NGO who wishes to hold awareness programmes you can crowdfund your venture. Impact Guru, a Harvard incubated online crowdfunding platform, will be more than glad to provide you with the necessary space. All you have to do is set up a fundraiser with us in our website. It is a very hassle free process where everything is done online. Much of the campaigning is done online by means of social media and email. Once your goal is met, the website releases your fund promptly. Crowdfunding India is a very low-risk, zero investment way to get started on your grand plans for this society. You should not miss out on making this society a better place simply out of financial aid. Remember all women and girls deserve to be safe.