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If you are planning to buy a hearing aid, you will also have to compare its features in order to decide which device offers the best bang for the buck.

And if you have no idea as to which features these devices should have, then this post is for you. Below, we list six features you must look out for when buying hearing aids.

Noise Reduction

If you will be spending too much time in areas where there can be a lot of background noise, then a noise reduction feature is a necessity when you purchase a hearing aid. This feature will help the device identify static voices which have a constant pitch, and suppresses them so that you are not disturbed by such unnecessary sounds.

Speech Enhancement

Another feature to watch out for is speech enhancement. This will allow the device to identify dynamic sounds, which constantly vary in pitch and tone, and enhances it so that you can hear that specific sound much more clearly. So, if you participate in many business meetings, then this feature can help you hear the other parties clearly, helping you communicate with them better.

Feedback Cancellation

Feedback effects can be extremely annoying since you will essentially be hearing the same sound over and over again. To avoid such issues, make sure that the hearing aid comes with feedback suppression features. Such solutions work by canceling the feedback signal by creating an opposite signal.


Hearing aids can have many channels. And the number of channels you will need will depend on the severity of the hearing problem. If you are suffering from a highly complex hearing issue where you have difficulty in hearing noises from a wide range of the hearing frequency spectrum, then you may need a device with a high number of channels. In contrast, if your hearing is only affected to just one end of the spectrum, then you will not need too many channels on the device.

Wind Suppression

If you are involved in professions like surfing, cycling, hiking etc. where you will constantly have to face winds hitting your face, then you definitely have to look out for the wind suppression feature. As the name suggests, it cancels out the strong sounds of the wind, enabling you to hear other sounds clearly. And if you work in teams when surfing on cycling, the wind suppression feature will help you hear them better.

Phone Compatibility

Make sure that the hearing aid you purchase is fully compatible with your phone. If there are any compatibility issues, you will have a hard time using your phone with the hearing aid switched on.

So, if you have done your hearing test and are looking to buy a hearing aid, make sure that the device you buy has some or all of the above features.