
So you are wondering what to do with your repeated eyelash falling problem. Is this the one thing that is making growing a lot of concerns?

Don’t worry as in this article you will be getting access to some simple and easy home remedies for your eyelash problem and such that you can see positive results.

Many times people end using a lot of expensive cosmetic items and using them but to no benefit.

By using such cosmetic items they are eventually allowing more eyelash fall rather than some growth.

So you have to adapt the natural way of finding treatments for your eyelash growth.

What are the various home treatments available for the growth of your eyelashes?

Yes, there are some simple ways for you to grow your eyelashes at home and have darker, stronger, denser eyelashes.

Let’s find out…

Use of generic Bimatoprost

You must have heard about generic Careprost eyedrops having the generic substance Bimatoprost in them.

This can be applied to your eyelashes to make them darker and stronger.

Generic Bimat eye drops are used for curing ocular hypertension that is high pressure in the eyes.

But to your surprise, this is one medicine available in the ophthalmic solution form that you can readily use for growing your eyelashes.

The best part is that even if a small portion of the ophthalmic solution goes into your eyes it should not be too much of a concern.

You can use the generic Bimat eye drops daily but then it would be better to get a consultation from the doctor once.

Using coconut oil and olive oil as a mix

Coconut oil and olive oil are the two substances that are found in almost every home. Both coconut and olive oil are rich in protein and this high protein content is extremely nourishing for your eyelashes.

Remember one of the main reasons for your eyelash fall is their lack of getting the right nutrients. If your eyelashes don’t get enough nutrients from the follicles then that will result in poor thin and fragile eyelashes that eventually fall of.

For the best home remedy, we have considered you making a 50-50 mixture of the two oils and then applying them gently to your eyelashes using mascara. You can do it any time during the day and even daily.

Allow it to stay for as long as possible say 5 to 6 hours then wash your eyes with clean water.

Using green tea

To all those of you green tea was only known for its weight-reducing properties so far, isn’t it?

But that not all that green tea has got, it has got some good properties infused in it for your eyelashes too.

See, using green tea you can allow your eyelashes to grow stronger and denser.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and this is a great way to grow your lashes. After you have made a hot cup of green tea take a few spoons of it in a cup and allow it to cool.

The next thing is to apply it on your eyelashes gently using mascara.

You can easily do this a few times a week and we are sure that you will meet positive results within a few weeks.

You can also keep using your Careprost eye drops for your ocular hypertension treatment besides using them without bothering about any contradictions.

Petroleum jelly

It’s a great product that is available in your moisturizer creams at home. Using petroleum jelly allows your eyelashes to be softer and stay hydrated.

Sometimes what happens is that excess eyelash fall can be a result of your eyelashes growing drier. Add to that the relentless heat, smoke, and dust and you are not able to have longer eyelashes.

They would generally fall due to being extremely dry eventually turning fragile.

But using petroleum jelly allows them to stay moisturized and thus prevent their premature fall.

Try using the product more during the winter or hot summer days especially when you are going out.

Vitamin E

Among the vitamins, vitamin E in its oil form can be a good source of providing nutrients directly to the eyelash follicles.