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Learn more about the central European super power
- In the blockbuster smash hit Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade there is a scene in which a huge pile of books are being burnt. It is the scene where Indiana meets the female Doctor among a swathe of Nazi soldiers. The uniforms these actors wore were all real, authentic war relics found in a stash hidden away somewhere in Germany, and eventually found it’s way to the production team behind the movie. [Source]

- Unlike the Danes, any German citizen that turns 18 and thereby becomes a legal adult can relinquish all of his or her debt by declaring bankruptcy and handing over every possession that person has as that time. The balance is then set to a clean zero, so that past mistakes can remain in the past and the young individual can focus on building a real life. [Source]

- Due to a spite between the Germans and the British, the United Kingdom in the late 19th century started marking all their domestically produced goods with a “Made in UK” brand. This was to make sure people would know which country they were ultimately supporting, by spending their money on the products produced. Instead of deterring people from buying German brands, the British people bought it with preference to their own, as it equated to better value for their money. [Source]

- The deliciously scrumptious German Chocolate Cake has nothing to do with the country of Germany, instead it is named after it’s inventor the American professional Baker called Samuel German. [Source]

- In the early 1980’s a German landlord was sued by an evicted tenant over a case of a bad smell. The popular Swedish and Norwegian delicacy known as Surströmming smelled so bad that the jury and judge all voted in favor of the landlord. [Source]

- You are ordered by law to have a lunch break if you work just 6 hours or more per day. This is to ensure a number of bad practices are not taking place, once labelled a similar form of abuse as slavery. Clearly, the Germans value their food highly. In fact, only Sweden is more tight about lunch. [Source]

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