It is well known that acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of symptoms and conditions with the human body. It doesn’t matter if they are physical, mental or emotional because varied examples of the things that acupuncture Brisbane can be applied to help include sleep difficulties, stress, anxiety, headaches and migraines, most kinds of musculoskeletal pain, as well as digestive problems, fertility, skin complaints, depression, menopausal symptoms, fatigue and back pain.
Acupuncture is long proven to help with successfully treating each and every one of these issues, from specific health problems such as fertility issues, to the reduction of stress and anxiety levels. Acupuncture can also simply be used to improve general health.
Its particular strength is the ability to help with issues that have no definite or conventional medical diagnosis. These are often treated in tandem with other natural medicinal treatments such as naturopathy and remedial massage. Physical, mental and emotional complaints are all treatable, and an indication of acupuncture’s ability to see the presenting complaint as well as the person’s health holistically is a huge benefit. Acupuncture treatment will generally target the root cause instead of targeting individual symptoms in isolation. Ultimately it is effective for a huge range of acute and chronic problems.
Good acupuncture practitioners will take a good in-depth look at a person’s health issues and consider all aspects of their life. Emotional health can have one of the largest effects on your lifestyle, work and relationships. This in-turn affects physical health so treatment programs are often created for a wide variety of musculo-skeletal, digestive and stress-related issues. Treatments are best delivered in relaxing, therapeutic and refined environments.
We have also seen great success in the treatment of fertility issues and in support of IVF treatments. Most patients will require support during IVF and ICSI. This is also to help conceive naturally and for continued support throughout their pregnancy.
Often highlighted first, it is important to realise that acupuncture has been used for centuries in the Eastern Medicines of China and Japan and has been used in support of modern medical advances. Subsequently many people turn to acupuncture for help.
Possibly the most natural form of healing, acupuncture looks to achieve ‘functional balance’. This is a state which enables a person’s body to engage in its healing response to the maximum that nature allows. Engaging with the body and mind holistically is the strength of acupuncture.