Painting is a multi-purpose activity. It can be for fun, bonding, or simply to liven up the space. An activity anyone can do, here is a guide on how to paint a wall.

Determine How You Want The Room to Look

It’s crucial to have a clear vision of what you want before painting a new room. You wouldn’t build a house without foundations or blueprints, so why would you paint a room at random? 

It’s important to keep in mind the factors affecting a room’s look. Tread carefully with a single-colour aesthetic. Too much of one colour can be a bad thing. Speak with professionals and communicate your hopes for the room. Often they will be able to assist you with specific colours, what they blend well with, and how to utilise them. 

The most important aspect is light. How colour reacts in natural versus artificial light can greatly affect the overall look of the room.

Prep The Room

It’s important to prepare the room thoroughly before starting a job. Begin by applying painter’s tape to all outlets, skirting boards and other external fixtures. Tape and drop sheets for the floor prevent you from leaving the room in a mess. Furniture should be covered or removed from the space completely.

Use sugar soap and a brush to clean the walls of dust particles. Skipping this step only risks having bumps and gunk left on your wall.

Once the walls are clean, we recommend using a primer for a smooth finish and less waste of paint.

Cut in on Edges

Using an angled brush to prevent contact with neighbouring walls, paint around the edges of fixtures, outlets, and the walls themselves that are too difficult with a roller. With the edges complete, you can begin painting the main wall. Ladders or mobile scaffolding are helpful for reaching the top of the wall during cut-in.

Apply The Coats of Paint

Paint rollers are great tools that cover a large surface area in a short time. Achieve an equal spread by having the entire roller covered in paint. Start at one side on the cut-in and work towards the other end in a w pattern until the first coat covered the entire wall.

After leaving it to dry for a few hours, you can complete the wall with a second coat.

Finishing Touches

It is vital that upon painting the room, clean-up follows straight after. Any tape must be removed from walls and fixtures, drop cloths gathered and disposed of, and proper cleaning of paint brushes and rollers. Another quick fix is lining trays with plastic bags for easy disposal at the end of the job.

The reasons for immediate clean-up include:

  • Peeling tape, later on, will only pull off the freshly dried paint as well.
  • Any paint caught by drop cloths can seep through and stain floors if left unchecked.
  • Without cleaning, paint tools can be left stained, damaged and not adequate for further use.

You can now relax and begin furnishing or refurnishing your room to your liking. Good luck!

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