Currently, the marketing landscape has significantly transformed with more companies increasingly coming up with creative ideas to harness the power of the Internet and other computing technologies. Consequently, marketing teams through collaborations with the IT departments and solutions service providers are coming up with innovative marketing ideas that are effective on lean budgets. One such innovative and effective marketing idea that has radically transformed how businesses market their products and services is content marketing.
Why Opt for Content Marketing?
This form of marketing has various benefits that make it suitable for both small and large business entities.
- Low budget: Despite the vital role it plays in business branding, product visibility and awareness, sales volumes and profit margin, marketing can be a colossal sinkhole for a company’s finances if not expertly executed. It comes with low financial outlays to plan and execute thereby has the potential of increasing a company’s profit margins.
- High impact: It uses highly interactive such as videos, social media and blogs which have high impact capabilities compared to other forms of marketing approaches. They are highly customizable and hence can also reach larger masses and niche markets and demographics such as millennials.
- Effective: Because marketing materials and tools allow for the creation of lasting relationships with targeted audiences, they are highly effective in creating brand visibility and generating and directing traffic to the brand’s products, services and other personal platforms such as websites.
How to Get the Most Out of Content Marketing
- Always publish excellently curated content: Due to intense competition to get the attention of customers, who are increasingly becoming technological savvy, always invest in creating excellent content for building brand awareness and visibility.
- The key is the keywords: Taking time and effort to create content that resonates with the targeted audience would be a futile endeavor if it lacks relevant keywords that are thought-provoking and are easily detected when customers use various search engines.
- Data over narratives: Skepticism by customers over facts written in narrative form is commonplace in marketing circles. Therefore, win the skeptics using data instead of wordy sentences. Customers are more accepting of narratives backed up data.
Despite being a relatively new concept, this marketing technique has significantly grown in popularity due to its flexibility in message content needs diverse market segments and demographics. It is also highly effective, pocket-friendly and has high impact. However, the key to using this relatively novel marketing approach is curating your content to meet your marketing needs.