Medication assisted treatment

Retrograde ejaculation is a troubling medical condition where semen fires backwards, into the bladder, instead of in the proper direction. For a better understanding of what contributes to it, how you can tell it’s happening, and what forms of treatment exist for it, keep reading.


Retrograde ejaculation may arise from a malfunctioning bladder sphincter. This can happen in a handful of ways.

  • “Dysautonomia,” an autonomic dysfunction within the nervous system.
  • It can occur as a consequence of a procedure where prostate tissue is excised with a tool known as a resectoscope that passes through the urethra.
  • It can arise from dissecting the retroperitoneal lymph node during a test for testicular cancer, provided that the nerve pathways to the bladder sphincter become damaged. This form of retrograde ejaculation may be temporary or permanent.

This condition is also a side effect of medications like tamsulosin, which relax muscles found within the urinary tract and are common in treating conditions like benign prostatic hyperplasia. This relaxation in the muscle raises the chances that ejaculate fires backwards. The main categories of medication known to cause this issue are antidepressants, antipsychotics, and NRIs like atomoxetine. Lastly, retrograde ejaculation can arise out of diabetes, especially when a patient has had prolonged difficulty maintaining a healthy level of blood sugar.

Young males who have completed puberty, around ages 17 to 20, and experience multiple episodes of retrograde ejaculation are often diagnosed with urethral stricture disease soon after the first complaint. It remains unknown if congenital malformation of the urethra is to blame or if constant pressure against the base of the penis or perineum before ejaculation leads to damaging the urethra. This damage is often present within half a centimeter of the ejaculatory duct.


Retrograde ejaculation, also known as “dry orgasm,” is one of the symptoms of male infertility. A man may observe that no ejaculation is released despite achieving orgasm. Alternatively, this may be caused by an obstruction in the ejaculatory duct.

When a male orgasms, sperm fire from the epididymis through the vas deferens. There, they interact with the seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral gland and blend with seminal fluid, prostate fluid, and lubricant. Upon reaching climax, the muscles at the end of the bladder neck tighten up as a precaution against the retrograde seminal flow. In short, retrograde ejaculation happens when the muscles of the bladder neck, or the nerves that control those muscles, have suffered damage.


When it comes to retrograde ejaculation treatment, there is more than one approach. While some medications are prescribed, they are few and far between.

Known Medications for Treating Retrograde Ejaculation

  • Tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine).
  • Antihistamines (chlorphenamine).
  • Decongestants (phenylephrine).

These constrict the bladder’s neck muscles, allowing semen to go forward. However, these medications can have side effects and require to be taken one to two hours before engaging in sexual intercourse. Most medications fail to work on the first use because male orgasms can be hard to predict. Furthermore, medications are useless if either the prostate or testes have been permanently damaged by radiation or the relevant muscles or nerves have suffered damage. Generally speaking, medications are only considered for retrograde ejaculation in cases of mild, diabetes-derived nerve damage, multiple sclerosis, or a mild injury to the spinal cord.

Infertility Treatments

In cases where infertility results from insufficient medications and retrograde ejaculation, there is a special procedure that may help. The patient alkalinizes urine, drinking 3g of sodium bicarbonate. This is consumed once before going to bed and then a second time after completely emptying the bladder immediately before going to a lab. Before collecting the patient’s semen, the patient must masturbate into one container, and then the bladder must be emptied into another container. The ejaculate may then be centrifuged from the voided urine and the remaining sperm can then be directly injected via intrauterine insemination. In more extreme cases, in-vitro fertilization with an intracytoplasmic sperm injection is considered.

Wrapping Things Up

Retrograde ejaculation is a condition where sperm goes in the wrong direction upon climax. This condition’s main symptom is a failure to ejaculate through the duct, and it is often caused by damage to muscles or nerves.

Okау, lеt’ѕ tаlk straight. Fоr dесаdеѕ, curly girls thе wоrld оvеr hаvе rеliеd оn vаriоuѕ triеd-аnd-tеѕtеd mеthоdѕ tо “rеlаx” thеir hаir. Thеn, аbоut a dесаdе ago, thе Yukо ѕуѕtеm mаdе a big splash whеn it саmе оvеr frоm Jараn, fоllоwеd bу Oрti-Smооth. Nоw, a third соntеndеr iѕ fighting tо bесоmе tор dоg in thе hаir ѕtrаightеning ѕtаkеѕ: Brаziliаn hаir ѕtrаightеning.

Nоt whаt thе nаmе mау imрlу, the  Brаziliаn hаir ѕtrаightеning iѕ a rеlаtivеlу nеw hаir ѕtrаightеning ѕуѕtеm thаt’s a ѕеmi-реrmаnеnt wау tо ѕtrаightеn thе hаir оn уоur hеаd, whiсh uѕеѕ kеrаtin tо tаmе еvеn thе сurliеѕt lосkѕ. If уоu аrе соnѕidеring ѕtrаightеning уоur hаir fоr mоrе thаn juѕt аn оссаѕiоnаl night оut, уоu mау bе thinking оf a kеrаtin hаir ѕtrаightеning ѕуѕtеm.

Rеmеmbеr, ѕuссеѕѕ will dереnd nоt оnlу оn уоur tуре оf hаir and hоw rigоrоuѕlу уоu аdhеrе tо itѕ uрkеер, but аlѕо оn thе ѕkill оf уоur ѕtуliѕt – аѕ wеll аѕ thе products hе оr ѕhе сhооѕеѕ tо uѕе. With the Brаziliаn Hаir Strаightеning (аkа Brаziliаn Blow-Out оr Brаziliаn Kеrаtin Trеаtmеnt), thе ѕtуliѕt аррliеѕ асtivе kеrаtin (you can do your own at home by buying a kit here), a рrоtеin fоund in thе tор lауеr оf оur ѕkin. Thе fоrmulа iѕ thеn ѕеаlеd intо thе hаir uѕing a hоt irоn, tаking аwау frizz, сurlѕ аnd unrulу wаvеѕ. The whole thing tаkеѕ аbоut twо hоurѕ, mоrе fоr lоngеr оr mоrе unrulу hаir.

The whole process can take about five hours, but if your follow-up care isn’t up to par, all of this time spent can turn out to be for nothing. Here’s how to ensure that you get the most out of your keratin treatment.


When blowdrying your hair to keep it looking sleek and shiny, keep in mind that a high heat isn’t always the best way to acieve great results. A cool heat can deliver an outcome that’s just as beautiful, and more importantly – can help you to stretch the amount of time your hair is given to recuperate between treatments.

Hаir Strаightеnеrѕ

Straightening is the next best thing that can keep your treatment looking fresh. After your first week of having salon-fresh strands, seeing your post-wash hair can be a little unsettling. But with a good flat iron on reasonable heat, you can keep your hair as bone-straight, thick and luxurious as you envisioned it being.

Wrap it up!

Wrapping your hair in the old-fashioned way to keep your keratin treatment looking freshly done is one of the methods that won’t ever fade away. Just wrap your hair around your head so that it lays flat against your scalp, then bobby pin it down in place. When you take it down the next day, your hair will have tons of body and movement.

Doing the Brazilian hair straightening process is only half of the job. It’s up to you to make sure that you get the most out of your style! Whether you choose to blow-out, flat iron or wrap your hair,  taking any one of these simple steps will do wonders in making your keratin treatment last.

It is well known that acupuncture can be used to treat a wide range of symptoms and conditions with the human body. It doesn’t matter if they are physical, mental or emotional because varied examples of the things that acupuncture Brisbane can be applied to help include sleep difficulties, stress, anxiety, headaches and migraines, most kinds of musculoskeletal pain, as well as digestive problems, fertility, skin complaints, depression, menopausal symptoms, fatigue and back pain.

Acupuncture is long proven to help with successfully treating each and every one of these issues, from specific health problems such as fertility issues, to the reduction of stress and anxiety levels. Acupuncture can also simply be used to improve general health.

Its particular strength is the ability to help with issues that have no definite or conventional medical diagnosis. These are often treated in tandem with other natural medicinal treatments such as naturopathy and remedial massage. Physical, mental and emotional complaints are all treatable, and an indication of acupuncture’s ability to see the presenting complaint as well as the person’s health holistically is a huge benefit. Acupuncture treatment will generally target the root cause instead of targeting individual symptoms in isolation. Ultimately it is effective for a huge range of acute and chronic problems.

Good acupuncture practitioners will take a good in-depth look at a person’s health issues and consider all aspects of their life. Emotional health can have one of the largest effects on your lifestyle, work and relationships. This in-turn affects physical health so treatment programs are often created for a wide variety of musculo-skeletal, digestive and stress-related issues. Treatments are best delivered in relaxing, therapeutic and refined environments.

We have also seen great success in the treatment of fertility issues and in support of IVF treatments. Most patients will require support during IVF and ICSI. This is also to help conceive naturally and for continued support throughout their pregnancy.

Often highlighted first, it is important to realise that acupuncture has been used for centuries in the Eastern Medicines of China and Japan and has been used in support of modern medical advances. Subsequently many people turn to acupuncture for help.

Possibly the most natural form of healing, acupuncture looks to achieve ‘functional balance’. This is a state which enables a person’s body to engage in its healing response to the maximum that nature allows. Engaging with the body and mind holistically is the strength of acupuncture.