Prom dresses are very delicate, elegant and expensive as well. Once you buy dresses like these, you have to to do everything to take care of those. These dresses can be heavy as well as light depending on your choice. If you really want to keep your dress in the best possible condition, there are a number of tips as well as the trick that you can follow. With just a little bit of care, you can ensure that your prom gowns can be kept intact even it is before the prom or after the prom.

Here is how you should take care of your prom dresses:

Before the prom:

It is very important to prevent your dress from getting any type of damage or any creases to your gown. The best retailers are going to provide you with the garment bags so that you can keep your prom dresses carefully. If you are not provided with those bags, you can purchase various types of garment bags form the market or from the online to keep your dress safe, neat and tidy. The first step is to hang your dress inside the garment bag. The trick is to hang it somewhere high enough so that the bottom of it not touching the ground. You can hang it in a place which is closed; it can be a wardrobe. The things that you must make sure of is that the place that you choose for your elegant prom dresses 2019 is free from all the bad smells, for example, cooking.

It is understandable that you are tempted to try on the dress number of times to see how it fits or how does it look on you. But what you need to do is resist. The more you are tempted to try your dresses, the more you take it on and off, there is a risk that the beading is going to get loose and fall. The other reason is the for the longer period it is outside your garment bag, there is a chance that your dress will be damaged or get dirty. It is suggested to wear your dress with the shoes on and get a complete look once or twice but do not wear your prom dress too many times, because then it won’t feel as special as it would have on the prom night.

When you are getting ready:

It is very important that you put your prom gown after you have applied your makeup and style your hair so that your dress is not damaged. Be careful with the body lotions as they can move from your skin to your dress, making your dress look dirty. If you are wearing any perfume, then be cautious as many crystals on your dress can get discolored. The perfume must be applied before you even wear your dress, so it is not affected by any means. You must spray the perfume and then walk through it.

Try to put your prom dress at the last possible moment so that you have enough time to take the photos. There are some types of prom dresses that are going to get extra help. Make sure that you and your friends have washed their hands properly before touching the prom dresses.

During the Prom night: 

Always keep that your prom dress is a very delicate dress. Sometimes, there is a trend of arriving at your prom night with an entry. Make sure that your arrival does not damage your dress in any way. If anything spills on your dress, do not panic and try to remove the excess of it, and do not rub it madly as it is going to make it look worse. There is a much better chance of removing the stains off your prom dresses from the dry cleaners. And do not be worried about your stain as the thing must take care about it not ruining your mood and the evening.