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Do you want to add instant privacy, protection and resale value to your home? If so, vinyl fencing is the way to go.

Not only does this material hold up against years of wear and tear, but it’s also designed to keep its sleek, bright appearance with very minimal upkeep. This makes it a low-maintenance investment you can feel good about.

Whether you need a fence to mark a property line or you just want to add a decorative element, it’s surprisingly simple to install. Today, we’re walking you through the steps to follow when you’re ready to stake a claim on your new addition.

Step 1: Determine the Vinyl Fencing Location

As much as your neighbor’s yard might bother you, it’s unwise to set up a fence without doing your research first. Before you grab your shovel, take the time to determine the exact location of your property lines.

You can find these lines in a few places, including your deed or property survey. If you do not have these documents, or if the details are vague, you’ll need to hire a local surveyor to perform a land survey. This professional can measure your property and tell you the exact locations of your property lines, usually marking each corner with a stake.

Along with your property line, you’ll also need to know the legal setback for your area. This is the measure of how far a structure must be set away from the property line. You can check with your local government to determine these measurements.

With those details in place, you’re ready to mark the ideal location for your new vinyl fence. Using spray paint, mark where the corner post holes will go. Then, you can use the same paint to mark the spots for the remaining posts. For a balanced look, try to set the posts about eight feet apart.

Step 2: Gather Your Tools and Materials

Before you begin installing your vinyl fence, you’ll need to gather the appropriate tools. A few of the most common pieces of equipment you’ll need include:

  • Posthole digger
  • Circular saw
  • Miter saw
  • Clamps
  • Cordless drill
  • Hammer
  • Jigsaw
  • Level
  • Safety goggles
  • Spade

In addition, you’ll also need to secure the correct materials, which include:

  • Concrete
  • Vinyl fencing
  • Dry PVC cement
  • Mason’s string
  • Your chosen fencing hardware

Note that these are only a few of the tools and materials you will need. For a more complete list, contact your local fencing contractor, such as the experts at Butte Fence.

Step 3: Set Temporary Posts

With your posthole digger, you’re now ready to dig holes everywhere you marked in Step 1. Try to dig each hole around 24 inches deep and about 10 inches around.

To ensure adequate drainage, you can add a little loose gravel at the bottom of each hole. Then, you can set your corner posts into each hole and make sure each addition is level. Finally, secure each post temporarily in place by attaching it to a 2-inch by 4-inch piece of lumber.

Step 4: Set Up Your String Line

The top points of your corner posts define the extent of your vinyl fence. To make sure every post is even and streamlined, use Mason’s string to create a line from one corner post to the other.

Stretching the line taunt, check that it’s level and in the correct position.

This way, you can see if the posts are visually installed at an even height. If there are any that are out of line, the string will dip in that area. This way, you can easily see where you need to make any adjustments.

Using the line as a guide, you can install your remaining line posts. As you work, remember to stop periodically to ensure that the posts you’re installing are in line with each of the corner posts.

Step 5: Build Your Panels

When you purchase vinyl fencing, you’ll notice that it comes in three parts. These include:

  • The bottom rails
  • The top rails
  • The middle slats

Assemble the posts according to directions. The ends of the top and bottom rails should align with the corresponding hole in the fence posts you’ve already installed. If you’re unsure how to tackle this part, ask a local contractor for help!

Step 6: Secure the Posts

Now, you’re ready to permanently secure your posts into place! Follow the instructions to mix your dry cement to achieve the right consistency. Then, pour the finished product into the post holes you’ve already drilled.

Resist the urge to remove your 2-inch by 4-inch lumber braces while the cement dries. Instead, give it time to cure, and remove the bracing afterward.

Finally, you can install your post caps. Pour some PVC cement inside of each one and secure it on top of the post.

Why Choose a Professional Fence Installation?

As you can see, many of the steps required to install a vinyl fence are technical and precise in nature. Unless you know exactly what you’re doing, you could end up with a lopsided boundary that detracts from your home, rather than adds to it.

This is why it’s usually in your best interest to hire a professional fence installer to take care of this task for you. These experts are well-versed in the materials and methodology required to ensure a great-looking fence, every time.

Enjoy Your New Vinyl Fence

Vinyl fencing adds a hefty dose of character and practicality to any lawn. If you’re looking for a way to safeguard your property, establish a border, and add privacy, you can’t go wrong with this installation.

Unlike wood, vinyl will not rot or decay over time. It’s also resistant to scratching, fading, and wearing down. When it gets dirty, you can simply spray it down and it’s good as new. With these installation tips, you’re ready to add one to your own home in no time!

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Looking for someone to assemble your furniture, repaint the house or clean your gutters? Have you thought about hiring a handyman?

To ensure that you get the best service, make sure you find out everything you need to before picking someone out. Here’s a list of the questions you should ask to identify the right handyman for the job.


Ask if the person has enough experience working in the field. Make sure to ask how long they have been providing their services. Remember to check if they have had any prior experience with regard to the task you have assigned them.

While asking about experience it is advisable to check their license and insurance papers. A handyman hired from a well-known provider is likely to be more reliable than one you find yourself. Asking for references is a good way to find out how good your person really is.


How much does the service cost? You will also need to find out if the contract fee is based on an hourly rate, or if it’s charged as a project fee. Check that the rate quoted is within your budget.  Negotiate an amount that is agreeable to both parties and get it in writing so that the terms will not change after the job is done.

Make sure to ask for all the details regarding the amount and other charges incurred. If they are planning to procure supplies ask if the time spent on procurement is billable. Consider asking about hidden charges, like additional work charges or overtime. Check whether the rate includes travel time.


Make sure to ask for references unless the Melbourne handyman is referred to you by a friend. Leaving an expensive house to a complete stranger who claims to know the job can be a cause of concern for many, and so it is better to ask the worker about previous work he has undertaken, and talk to someone who has prior experience hiring your handyman.

Ask the references about the service, especially questions like if they do good work, if they are regular and if they complete the task within the given time frame.


What time is most comfortable? Pick a time that works well for both the parties involved. Make sure that they finish the job by the appointed deadline. Handymen tend to be very busy people who work several jobs a day, and so if there is something that needs to be fixed immediately you should find someone who is available right away.

Insurance & License

Ask for workers compensation information and insurance in the unfortunate event of an injury or any medical emergency. This will protect the party hiring the service from incurring any costs that may be involved in case of an accident at their residence.

Don’t hire a handyman who is not covered by insurance because of the risks involved. Contractors and handymen have to legally register and have a PCN certificate in their possession which certifies that they are fully equipped to work. This will also help you keep frauds away.

Payment Options

How are you going to pay for the service? It should be clear from the start how you are going to pay for the service – i.e. whether you can pay cash, on your credit card or send the money to the agency.

When should the amount be transferred? It’s important to know whether you need to pay a deposit in advance, or whether you will just pay the full amount when the job is done. When paying an advance or in installments make sure to get a copy of the receipt of every transaction made, and keep records of them.


If something goes wrong will he come back and redo it? Make sure to get a guarantee from the handyman in case of any damage while they do the job.  It’s better to get this in writing to avoid any breach of contract. While most professional services provide a guarantee, asking them is the only way to be certain.

People Involved

Is the task assigned going to be done by an individual or will a group be needed? Some jobs only require one person, and some may need a group to do the job properly.

Make sure to collect details about the number of people coming in so as to avoid cost escalation and minimise foot traffic through your house. Also find out if the contractor will be on site supervising the team at all times, and not elsewhere while the job is being done.

When choosing from the hundreds of possible handyman services make sure to ask the right questions so that the job is done properly.

A quick tip is to put everything regarding terms and payment options in writing, so that there is no confusion in the future. Make sure to hire a reliable service, and hunt for references if you can to give yourself peace of mind.  If there’s a lot of fixing to do it’s best to find a good handyman and keep his number ready.