A college graduate is expected to be successful in more areas than his or her profession. The years spent in college are supposed to the student essential life skills that guarantee survival in the real world. To avoid spending all your time in the library and missing out on comprehensive college experience, hire experts to take up some of this work. It leaves you to gain essential skills that will help in your life beyond college.

The crucial life lessons in college are not taught in class. You learn and master these lessons through your interactions with the people and how you organize your college activities. If you can complete college successfully, it is an indication that you have learned the lessons.

  1. Time Management

College authorities will only provide a timetable for your classes. You have to plan for your mornings, hours between lectures, evenings, weekends, and holidays. What you do with this time will determine your holistic growth and achievements while in college.

Some students have started businesses. Others have taken jobs that transform their lives forever. Still, some students cannot find time to complete assignments. You will see the same trend outside the campus where some people achieve more than others with similar resources.

  1. Handling Money

Financial resources are as scarce in college as they will be in real life. It is how you manage the finances that determines your level of comfort and ability to meet college obligations. Students who fail to budget will experience extreme financial difficulties. Others manage well with minimal resources.

Once you realize that you have excess or less money, what steps do you take? Some students will turn to crime, while others become entrepreneurs. The difference in the outcome will depend on your mentality. The same scenario repeats outside college and will determine the trajectory of life for different graduates.

  1. Planning For The Future

Some students begin preparing for their careers while in the first year. Others wait until graduation to think of the next step. It makes a huge difference in the trajectories of their lives. A student must learn how to focus and protect him or herself from the shocks of life. Waiting until the last minute will result in rushed decisions and poor career decisions. The good planners are never in panic and do not make the hasty decisions characteristic of poor planners.

  1. The Value Of Time

Once time is gone, it can never be recovered. If you fail to use your first year, you can never recover it. College offers a lot of time to use for personal and professional development. Failure to use the time results in missed opportunities. These opportunities will never return. The scenario repeats in real life where missed opportunities are gone forever.

  1. Socialization

College teaches you to build healthy social relationships. You also learn about the value of friendship. These friends will be useful in your professional life. Some will keep you grounded while others derail your plans. Make good choices, and you can taste success in college and beyond.

Excellent students in college enjoy a holistic and successful life upon graduation. It is in self-management that you turn out to be a competent professional. The subtle lessons learn in college will have a significant effect on your professional life.

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The right roof ventilation system will allow for the proper ventilation of the home and it will also allow for a safe, comfortable environment. If you live in an older home, or if your roof is leaking, you may have to invest in a new ventilation system. There are several factors to consider when choosing the best system for your home.

A contractor will be able to provide you with cost estimates and blueprints, which will help you determine what venting system would be best for your home. Of course, a contractor can also be a valuable resource regarding checking out different companies, as well as in communicating with you regarding your system. Of course, you should try to find a reputable contractor, as well as one that will also provide you with excellent service, even if they charge a bit more than a smaller company.

A contractor should be able to answer all your questions about your roof ventilation system. They should be able to explain how ventilation works, as well as which systems are best for your home. You should be able to inquire about the amount of insulation required for your roofing system, as well as discuss how the systems will function for your climate and other considerations.

It is especially important to research any company that you will hire to work on your roof ventilation system. You should be able to ask the contractor any questions that you might have regarding your ventilation needs. It is a good idea to ask contractors about their credentials, and to determine how long they have been working on roof ventilation systems.

It is also important to do a background check on the contractor. You should inquire about how long the contractor has been in business and make sure they have all the necessary certifications. Make sure the contractor will be able to meet your roof ventilation system requirements.

Choose a roof ventilation company that has a professional business license like onlineroofingcontractors.com/. It is imperative that your roofing system is installed by a professional contractor who has experience with this type of roofing system. As well, there should be at least three people on staff who work specifically on roof ventilation systems

Choosing a roof ventilation system that will hold up to weather and abuse is important. You should choose a system that is resistant to mold, and mildew, as well as fire, water, and ice. You should also choose a system that will be able to withstand high winds and snow.

If you are choosing a contractor to install a roof ventilation system, make sure you will be getting service from the same person every time the system is needed. It is not a good idea to be getting service from a different contractor every time you need to have your roof vents repaired. If you are hiring more than one contractor, make sure that you will be provided with a list of references, as well as a copy of their subcontractor agreements.

Before you choose a roof ventilation company, you should interview them to determine how much experience they have in installing and repairing roof ventilation systems. You should ask them how many homes they have worked on, as well as ask them to give you the contact information for a local contact. Make sure that the contractor you choose can repair your system in the case of a problem.

When you are choosing a roof ventilation company, you should ask about the prices of their services, as well as the warranties. You should also ask about the number of installations they have completed. Make sure that you understand what the price will be before you sign a contract with the contractor.

Roof ventilation is something that should be investigated, especially if you live in an older home to have a leaky roof. You should be able to get a quote from a professional contractor, and you should be able to get a quote from another contractor as well. After you have chosen a contractor for your roof ventilation system, make sure that you get a full written warranty, as well as a detailed estimate of the work and the fees associated with the installation.

Always remember that a roof ventilation system is vital to your home’s safety and that a well-constructed ventilation system will keep your family comfortable. While preventing mold and mildew. Molds and mildew will grow in damp areas.

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An essay is a piece of writing giving the authors their argument. essay writing falls in the category as either formal or informal. For a formal essay, it features the length, logical organization, dignity, and purpose but informal essay features include personal element, graceful style, humor, the novelty of theme, unconventionality and rambling structure.

You will find that essays are the author’s reflections, recollections, daily life observations, learned arguments, political manifestos, and real criticism. Most of the modern essays work in verse but most written in prose.

In some nations, you will find essays used as part of formal education including Canada and the United States. High school students learn how to structure the essay formats to improve their writing skills. Most universities select applicants from their admission essays, and for social sciences and humanities essays are therefore used as a method of assessing the performance of the students during the final exams. According to Huxley, themes should belong to literary species with the extreme variability that can be studied and mostly within the three-poled frame of reference including:

  1. a) Personal And Autobiography

For comfortable writing o this category, essayists write fragments reflecting autobiography looking the world through description and keyhole of anecdote.

  1. b) Objective, Concrete And Factual Essay

The essayist doesn’t speak to themselves while writing this pole but turns their attention to some scientific, political or literary theme. The art will consist of drawing general conclusions, passing judgment upon and setting forth form relevant data.

  1. c) Abstract Universal

Here, you will find essayist doing their work in high abstractions world, and they are never personal or seldom mention particular experience.

Essay classification

  1. a) Compare And Contrast

These essays are categorized based on analogies, points of comparison and basis of comparison. When comparing, you will highlight the similarities found between two objects or more and contrasting highlights their differences.

When you want to write a compare and contrast essay, you will need to determine your purpose, consider basis, consider audience, consider points of comparison, develop the comparison and consider their thesis statement.

  1. b) Expository

The essay is used to inform, explain or describe a topic using essential facts and helping the reader on the subject. It’s mostly written on the third person. They use formal language.

  1. c) Dialectic

The type of an essay that you will find common in philosophy. The writer will make an argument and thesis.

  1. d) Exemplification

Its characterized by relevant, believable, representative and generalized examples that include anecdote. The writer considers their subject, audience, purpose and specific examples.

  1. e) Familiar

You write this type of essay when you are speaking to a single reader about a particular subject.

  1. f) History

It’s sometimes known as a history thesis essay and describes a claim or an argument about historical events where it supports the claims with arguments, evidence, and references. The texts are clear to the audience on the demand or argument.

  1. g) Narrative

The essay type uses some tools like transitions, flash-forwards, and flashbacks that builds to climax. When writing the description, the critical focus is on the plot. The author must also determine a purpose, establish a point of view and consider the audience, use dialogue and organize narrative. You should arrange it chronologically. 

  1. h) Reflective

Its an analytical writing piece where the writer will describe an imaginary or real scene, interaction, event and adds a personal reflection relating to the topic meaning. You will find the focus when not merely descriptive.

You might be bored as hell listening to everyone blabbering about healthy lifestyle, marathons, cards, smoothies, but you can’t deny that it is one of the latest trends and you shouldn’t ignore it. Even if you decide to stay away from this topic, your professor might think differently. So, what to do if you receive an assignment to write an essay on a healthy lifestyle? First of all, it is the same essay as any other regarding structure. It should have an introduction, a body part, and a conclusion. It should contain a key idea, like a thesis statement, just less substantial. It should be well-structured, accurately formatted… But you already know that. So here are some more ideas on how to tackle this assignment fast, without too much effort and still receive a good grade.

Idea #1. Don’t just retell fashion magazines

It is tempting to take several latest articles about smoothie bowls and start retelling them without digging deeper. It is not only a wrong thing to do, but it is also unbearably boring. All those magazines are not bad by themselves, but finally, they just copy each other. You can get some fresh ideas, but you should be a master of analysis.

Idea #2. Try to solve practical rather than theoretical problems

An essay is not a thesis; you are not supposed to make an in-depth analysis using experiments and intricate methodology. You are much more free in your ways and means. Due to this, you can choose a problem which bothers people of your age, for example, and introduce a hero. If you read some more high-quality articles and papers, you will see, that they use this option a lot. “Paul is overweight, but at the same time, he is not inactive. He plays basketball, and he tried jogging, but he doesn’t last for long. He is X pounds less than “obese” category for his height, and he is worried that in half a year he might cross this line.” Solve Paul’s problem, not the general problem of obesity, and you will get your professor’s attention.

Idea #3. Don’t get too personal

Solving practical problems, it is easy to forget that you are still writing an academic essay, not a blog post about flaws in your lifestyle. Of course, if your essay is a personal reflection paper, it would be a must. In other cases, you should not even use words “I, we, me, my.”It is obligatory to stay impersonal and to use expressions like “research shows,” “experts believe,” “Americans often…”, “students nowadays prefer.” It is not boring or dry; it is professional.

Idea #4. Don’t be afraid of obvious solutions

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle everything is rather obvious and have been discovered before you: people should eat less and more concisely, should have more physical activity and should sleep enough time letting their bodies to deal with stress and fatigue. If a person doesn’t have some critical diseases, following this list is enough to be moderately healthy and energetic. In case you doubt it — try it out, believe us, it will help. Don’t be afraid to state these solutions in your essay if needed or to elaborate on one of them. Be creative. Magazines, lifestyle bloggers speculate on these three topics for decades, and it is still a billions-worth industry.

Idea #5. Use numbers to prove your points

For example, World Health Organization states that you should have at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week, and one session should be not less than 15 minutes. Recently the norms for “healthy” drinking were updated. Before that, the norms of sugar were declined. Use these facts, these numbers as ideas for your essay or use them to state your own ideas in your paper. Without solid numbers and references to reliable primary sources, your paper will look shallow.

Of course, if you make too many grammar mistakes, it doesn’t matter whether your idea is good or now. So make sure to proofread your essay or get some external help with it. Try to finish writing at least in 24 hours, so you have time to read it once more before the submission after some time passes.

Podcasts are easily one of the most increasingly popular forms of content that are coming from companies and organisations to everyday users and listeners, mainly thanks to how easily available they are thanks to music streaming platforms such as SoundCloud and Spotify.

However, if you want to succeed in your efforts of creating a popular podcast series, you’re going to need to invest time in writing a script to follow. This will detail the journey that you and your users will take every episode, enabling you to plan, research and, most importantly, not forget any details while recording.

Here to help you write this stellar script that will help you succeed are eight essential script writing tips to remember.

Do I Need a Script?

This is the first question that many people will ask themselves, and it’s one of the most important. While most people view the script as something you’re going to read from when talking, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to write the podcast word by word.

Instead, a script is a great way to note down and perfect the structure of the episode, even if you’ve just bullet-pointed the topic. It’s also a great way to manage time while recording. So, in short, yes, a script is a vital part of any podcast, even if it’s just used as a guide.

Figure Out Your Word Count

When writing a comprehensive script of your podcast, it’s important that you set yourself a word count, so your episode is not too long and not too short.

“As a rough guide, a 3,000-word script will last approximately half an hour (30 minutes), so you can use this figure to work out how long you want your podcast to be and how much content you’ll need to use to fill it,” shares Jennifer Goldenberg, a scriptwriter for Paper Fellows.

Write the Script for the Reader

It’s important to remember that, in most cases, you might not be reading your own script, but it will be someone recording it live. It’s vital that you keep this in mind when writing your script as you want it to be as easy as possible for them to read.

Research Your Script

One of the biggest benefits of writing a script for your podcast is the ability to research what you’re going to be talking about. Of course, if you’re recording a live show, you might be interviewing somebody, so you’ll have a lot of content to talk about.

However, even in this situation, researching and making notes on your script is a great way to lead and direct the conversation in the way you want it to go. Making notes also means you can remember any details, so you don’t miss out anything important and can help jog your memory if you find the script is ‘drying up’ halfway through.

Writing the Perfect Podcast Script

Let’s face it, you’ll be spending so much time on writing, editing, creating and promoting your podcast, there’s very little time to make it perfect, yet it’s still an essential task. If you’re strapped for time, here are some online tools you can use to help you;

  1. Affect vs Effect / Grammarix

These are two blogs you can use to improve and teach yourself essential grammar skills.

  1. Boom Essays

This is an online writing agency you can use to help guide you through the writing process, as recommended by the HuffingtonPost in Write My Paper feature.

  1. State of Writing / My Writing Way

These are two online blogs you can use to download writing guides that you can follow when writing your script.

  1. UKWritings

This is a professional proofreading service you can use to ensure an error-free script, as reviewed by UK Top Writers.

  1. Cite It In

A free online tool you can use to add professionally formatted references and quotes to your script.

  1. Essay Roo / Assignment Help

These are two services that can provide writing assistance and help from professionals in the writing community.

  1. Easy Word Count

A free online tool you can use to track and monitor the word count of your script.

Keep Things Fresh and Updated

The introduction and the end of your podcasts will typically be the same. In fact, they have to be, so they are recognisable and matches your personal branding and personality. However, the same thing you can keep is typically the music, or ‘jingle’. When writing your script, trying to talk and introduce your podcast in a different way every time to keep things fresh and interesting.

Implementing Calls to Action

One of the biggest aims of your podcast is to get people to like, share, comment and follow your account so you’re going to want to include calls to action in your podcast that gets them to do this. Nobody really means listening to these sections, in fact, it’s expected, by don’t let it interfere with the content itself. Instead, hold off until the end to stay sharing your social media links and information.

Test Your Script

Once you’ve finished writing your script, it’s absolutely essential to its success that you test it. You can do this on your own or with family and friends. Simply read your script out loud to see whether all the sentences flow together fluidly and whether or not you need to make any changes.