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Sleep helps your body repair damaged cells and restore all the energy you have lost during the day. There has been much research on sleeping habits that show that the duration of sleep is irrelevant as long as the quality is consistent. Sleeping for 8 hours at a stretch will not rejuvenate a person when they are waking up every 30 minutes from backaches and cramps. The quality of your mattress can and will determine the quality of your sleep.

A fascinating study from the National Sleep Foundation shows that over 90% of Americans know that sleep quality depends on their mattress qualities directly. However, they do not actively take an interest in the making of the mattresses or the reviews before buying. They end up choosing a mattress only by their price range. When the reality is, you can apply mattress discount coupons during your purchase to experience unbelievable discounts on the best beds of 2017.

Is your old mattress already challenging your health? It is time to find out.

You are getting frequent allergy attacks

Old mattresses collect dust, dust mites, dead skin, animal dander and almost all kinds of organic matter that can trigger those nasty allergies. Since you are exposing yourself to a new flurry of allergens every night, it is likely that your anti-allergic are not working any longer.

You are always feeling stressed

In case you do not know what stress feels like, touch your neck. Are all the muscles in your neck and shoulder sore? Does it hurt to work the usual amount? Old mattresses significantly increase the physical stress levels. It, of course, contributes to mental stress, and that interferes with your productivity.

Is your partner complaining of your snoring?

Old mattresses often fail to provide enough support for the back. Even when you are sleeping sideways, the mattress cannot provide even support to your limbs. While snoring is not uncommon, it is a sign of developing respiratory problems and cardiac problems. Your mattress can cause improper inhalation and exhalation of air when you are sleeping. In case you are snoring loudly every night, it might be time for you to consider investing in a new mattress.

Lack of sleep can be responsible for your forgetfulness

Sleep helps your brain convert short-term and long-term memories. The REM or Random Eye Movement phase of sleep nurtures the part of the brain that stores all the long-term memories. Your brain enters REM when you are in a deep sleep. So, unless you are comfortable on that old mattress, you are not giving your mind enough juice to store all those important memories. Want better grades? It is time to get a new mattress!

Apart from everything else, mattresses can determine how fast you age. Beauty sleep is not a myth. Deep sleep helps your cells regenerate and your lines disappear. A good bed can determine the way you feel, function and look. What are you waiting for? Search for magic discount codes and find the mattress for eternal good health today!

Silvia Watson

Silvia Watson is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as technology, health, fashion, education, career, travel etc. She is a featured author at various authoritative blogs in the health and fitness industry and currently associated as a blogger