
Quick question: if you’re stranded on a lonely island in the middle of the vast ocean, where there’s not evidence of a single human, would you be happy or miserable?

If you think you would be happy, think about it for a minute. I know how much you’ve suffered at the hands of certain types of people in life, and wish more than anything to get away from them. I totally support you, but isolation is not the answer. It is a bitter alternative that’s never easily digested and can drive you mad.

We’re all born with an inherent urge to communicate. By interacting with others and exchanging our thoughts and feelings, we develop more. We’re social animals, after all.

Right now, we’re standing at the dawn of a major technological revolution. From the horizon, we can witness the emergence of the internet phenomenon, and experience its groundbreaking impact. Not only has it provided better mediums of communication, but has actually made the whole process of communication faster, smoother, and cost-effective. It has converted the world into an interconnected global village, where a region can link with another one located on the opposite pole in a matter of seconds.

Not only this, the internet as a communicative platform has massively altered the language patterns of this new generation as well. Instead of complete words, meaning is transferred in the form of symbols, spaces, and emoji. For example, “I love you” is written as “I <3 u”, or “Be Right Back” as “brb.” Why? Because it’s convenient, cool, and time-saving. But would someone from the 60s be able to interpret these codes? I don’t think so.

On the same note, let’s examine the changes brought by the internet in the following facets of our lives.


Take a trip down memory lane. Recall one of those visits from a well-suited, handy-dandy man, possessing both a wonderful smile and a product in his bag. He’s the salesman, travelling from state to state, knocking on doors, meeting people, and selling goods using his glossy words. Do you recognize him? Yes. But how many on-foot salesmen do you come across now? Almost none. Why? Because marketing strategies have taken a turn towards e-commerce. Businesses have shifted online. The days of the flashy salesmen are over. Now, advertising, client meetings, critical transactions, and employee conferences are conducted over a lightning-paced network connection, like ATT Uverse internet. It’s fast, it’s cheap, and it’s unlimited. Sounds like the perfect combination, doesn’t it? And if that’s not enough, the folks at has made this AT&T guide.


Gone are the days when you had to write long letters and go through the hassle of postage, just to ask after your loved ones who lived far away. The absolute tyranny of wooing someone you like, and finding out their interests and passions through exhaustive means, has come to an end. Why? Internet has changed the whole human relationship scenario with social media and dating apps. Nearly everyone has an online profile, which is a reflection of their personality. Just hit them up, send them a request, and chat with complete convenience. Leaving them likes, hearts, tagging them in memes, and sharing stuff is also a way of communicating with them. You’d be surprised to find your old friends, acquaintances you met years ago, and even your grandparents are all actively interacting on these wonderful platforms.


Ideas are like seeds which sprout only when they are debated and discussed. This is how they branch out, grow upright, and lead to a new generation of knowledge. As we’re all aware, human beings have a thirst for knowledge. Coincidentally, much to our advantage, the internet has made communication of ideas multidimensional by providing multiple channels and modes. If you wish to share your thoughts, expertise, or research with a worldwide audience, write a blog, compose a podcast, or create a vlog. You voice will surely reach out to others online, and will not stay embedded under the current. There are proper forums online where you can ask any question that pops in your mind, and you’ll get the answer you’re looking. If you’re looking for academic advice, you’ll surely find it online, along with lectures, and the latest news. You can also utilize the internet to further your education. With various universities offering courses like a masters in tesol online, you’ll be sure to find a degree program that fits best with your career plans.


After a grueling week, you’re looking for a way to release your pent-up frustration. What do you do? Play ping-pong and be done with it? Perhaps some of you do, but most of us go online to be washed over by waves of pure entertainment. You can watch a movie, an entire season of a great show, and then join forums dedicated to gushing over them. You’ll also find countless websites filled with fan-fiction. You can discuss how a movie should have ended, how it should be ranked amongst others of its genre, what’s coming up, and more. Not only this, you’ll get a chance to play online games, with competitors from around the world. Cool, right?

The internet has brought radical changes in the way we communicate with each other. These changes are more beneficial than detrimental, don’t you think?

Incredible Planet Staff

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