The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has taken a seismic toll across the globe, and in more ways than initially meets the eye.

For example, we’ve seen more than five million cases and 330,000 deaths globally as of May 21st, while even developed nations such as the UK are reporting a potential 35% decline in economic output following stringent social distancing measures.

Of course, the pandemic has brought out both the best and worst in citizens, with many keen to showcase their appreciation for frontline workers who continue to brave the current conditions in order to deliver fundamental services and maintain crucial supply chains.

While there are numerous channels through which you can show your appreciation to healthcare workers, how should you go about doing the same for individuals such as delivery drivers and the humble postman? Here are some ideas!


  • Surprise Your Postman with a Personalised Greetings Card


Postmen continue to deliver items and correspondence nationwide, which in turn enables us to keep on top of our bills and share morale-boosting gifts with loved ones during lockdown.

With this in mind, what better or more relevant way to share your appreciation by creating your own bespoke greetings card for the local postman? Outlets such as the cardfactory certainly enable you to create a personalised card at a reasonable price, while also offering rapid turnaround times of two to three days.

With sites like this, you can also incorporate gifts such as chocolates, sweets and even cheeseboards, before leaving a neatly packaged gift for your postman to collect during his daily travels!


  • Leave Beer and Goodies for Delivery Drivers and Binmen


Of course, postmen aren’t the only people braving the great outdoors in a bid to maintain the fabric of UK society, with workers such as delivery drivers and binmen operating tirelessly on a day-to-day basis.

Both binmen and delivery drivers can cover a large amount of ground in the course of their work, so why not leave them a crate of beer or similar goodies for them to share and enjoy at home?

You can tailor your gift selection if you have a relationship or personal knowledge of your Amazon delivery driver, of course, but the key is to leave something nice and appealing that really reflects your thought process and good intent.


  • Think Safety and Respect Key Workers


On a more fundamental level, a simple thank you can also have a big impact in the minds of key workers and make them feel genuinely appreciated.

On a similar note, you can showcase the most basic levels of respect and appreciation simply by considering the safety of key workers.

This means wearing a mask and (in some instances gloves) when attending the local supermarket or shop, and always maintaining a safe distance from employees and affording them as much personal space as possible.

You should also time your shop visits to coincide with the least busy periods where possible, as this prevents outlets and staff members from becoming overwhelmed.

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