Hundred of mans in the world are looking to finds the way to enlarge their penis at home. They are looking for alternatives to natural male enhancement pills. Why so many people looking for the alternatives? Well, natural male enhancement pills are not made for a man to increase the size of their penis. The only thing is that the pills are helpful to give the erection to the penis but not beneficial to increase the size of the penis. That is all, good and well, but the things are those pills come with a ton of baggage. Those pills have many dangerous effects, like erection lasting for four hours and longer, headache, dizziness and lots more. They are also not permanent; you have to keep popping pills and cost lots of money. But there is also lots of things but the question is that how to enlarge penis by foods?
There are lots of things by which you can gain the length of the penis like as exercise, if you take the exercise daily to 15 minutes then the muscles become larger and the circulations of the blood can increases in the penile muscles when the circulations of the blood increase the size of the penis also increases. There are also many other things which are very helpful to increase the size of the penis this may include,
Onion is found almost at every home and onions are a great food to increase the size of the penis. Research shows that the onions are very helpful to increase the circulation of the blood throughout the body to the heart. Onion contains the sulfur which causes to thicken the blood, when the blood becomes thicker then the pressure of the blood becomes also increases. As a result, increasing the onion consumption help prevent blood clotting ultimately helps size. Some peoples think that onion may not helpful only to increase the circulation of blood from body to the heart but it also very helpful to increase the circulation from heart to penis then the size of the penis increases.
There are also other things which are very helpful to increase the size of the penis this may include the salmon. Salmon contains the omega 3 fatty acid and it is the famous food to increase the size of the penis. Salmon also contains the DHA and EPA fatty acids, these fats also sex drive in every man. Omega 3 fatty acid is very helpful to thinner the blood which causes to increase the circulations of the blood which is very helpful to increase the size of the penis.
Bananas are very helpful to increase the size of the penis because bananas can boost your heart health and cause to increase the flow of the blood. Bananas are rich in potassium which have been proven to lower the blood pressure and thus promotes the circulation of the blood from different parts of the body to heart and from heart to penis.