Smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors main aim is to increase the effectiveness of your home’s security system and also cut down its maintenance costs. No doubt that smoke detectors have been around for quite some time now, however, smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are more advanced than traditional detectors.
Smart smoke detectors send real-time alerts or notifications to your smartphone about smoke, fire, and carbon monoxide danger. You’ll get these alerts even if you’re away from home. This allows you to get help much faster, and some smart smoke detectors will also alert your neighborhood fire department.
Smart smoke detectors are also interconnected and will further alert the user to the exact location and nature of any hazard detected within the house. Some of these smart devices also have an automatic self-testing feature.
In fact, the low battery alerts ensure that you don’t miss an emergency because of a defunct or dead detector. You can silence false alarms from the smart detectors app installed on your smartphone.
Among the many best home smoke detectors on the market, the Nest Protect and Roost Smart battery are by far the most commonly used detectors. In this article, we’ll be going in-depth as to what’s so great about these smart smoke detectors.
The Nest Protect
The Nest Protect has the ability to detect smoke and carbon monoxide, in fact, this is its main function. It responds to smoke almost twice as fast as other smoke detectors. It also has a humidity sensor, which can reduce false alarms.
Furthermore, the Nest Protect also has motion sensors that activate its nightlight when you’re moving in the dark. Its ambient light detector sense when the lights have been turned on, and then flashes green, which is an indication that it just performed self0testing and everything’s working well.
The Nest Protect has both a battery-powered and hardwired option, hence it can be installed in any home, making it extremely flexible. If you’re confused as to which option is best for you, you can unscrew your existing detector and see if it’s connected through wires to the wall, if not, it’s battery-powered.
The self-testing feature in the Nest Protect is really commendable. It makes regular checks of its battery, and also performs siren checks every once a month, and sends notifications to your phone if either of its components isn’t working adequately.
This feature ensures that the alarm’s loudspeaker or the battery won’t fail you when needed the most. You can also set a time for siren testing so the Nest Protect can conduct self-testing when you’re not home.
Lastly, the Nest Protect has broad smart capabilities. It works amazingly with the IFTTT app as well, letting you connect to other smart devices. It is also greatly compatible with other Nest smart devices. For example, when the Nest Protect detects smoke, the Nest Thermostats can be programmed to shut off the HVAC system so that no smoke or carbon Monoxide is spread.
Roost Smart Battery
The Roost Smart battery is a 9-volt affordable battery that’s used in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors that are already installed in your home. It also sends mobile alerts if an emergency is detected.
This isn’t exactly a smart detector but is a Wi-Fi-enabled battery that converts traditional detectors into a pseudo-smart device. Once installed in a smoke or carbon monoxide detector, the Roost battery links itself to your smartphone via the Roost app. This link offers you similar core features in a smart smoke detector.
Moreover, it’s an affordable option as compared to Nest Protect. The Roost Smart Battery’s major selling point is its pricing. You can easily fit four to five smoke detectors in your home for less than $200.
The Roost Smart Battery is also convenient when it comes to compatibility with existing smoke or carbon monoxide detectors. In other words, it’s effortless to install. In fact, the Roost smart battery can be utilized in battery-powered and hardwired smoke alarms that come with a battery backup.
Lastly, the Roost Smart Battery is also a good option for older homes. Most states require there to be hardwired alarms installed in new homes, but this same isn’t generally enforced for older homes, as the cost to transition to a hardwired alarm is rather steep.
Therefore, Roost smart batteries add protection to interconnected alarms without having to spend on new hardwiring.
We have shared all the main pointers for both the Nest Protect and Roost Smart batteries, for you to decide which one of these two options will be a good choice for your household.