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Less than 600 humans ever have seen our planet from outside of our atmosphere, that is, from space. Luckily we have images to get an interpretation of how incredible this planet really is, but to remind you; here are 10 facts about planet earth.

1. Planet Earth has had life on it for more than 80% of it’s lifetime.

2. Our planet has enough LEGO in it for each person to get 86 pieces

3. There’s 1 person left on this planet who was born in the 1800’s

4. At the planet’s core there is enough gold to cover the surface of Earth with 1-2 feet

5. Earth has around 3 trillion trees

6. All but 3 human beings have died on Earth or it’s atmosphere.

7. In around 774 a.d. Earth was struck by an unexplained radiation burst

8. Earth only ranks as the fifth most habitable planet on our list of Exoplanets

So yeah, while we have to consider proximity, we might very well find more suited planets to live on in the near future.

9. In fact, there’s more than 2 billion earth-like planets in our Solar System alone

10. Earth is the only planet we know that has tectonic plates

Incredible Planet Staff

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