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65 million years ago these creatures lived, and still they are striking fear and excitement into us this day still. Read more about all the incredible facts about Dinosaurs!

1. Most dinosaurs actually lived in the Cretaceous period, not the Jurassic

2. Nicolas Cage paid $67 million USD for a dinosaur skull

3. After Dinosaurs came car-sized, crocodile-eating Turtles. Good times.

4. The asteroid that killed off the Dinosaurs had an impact force of more than 13 on the richter scale.

5. Dinosaurs are older than flowers and grass.

6. Dragons as a myth possibly started due to ancient civilizations finding dinosaur bones

7. Dinosaurs most likely tasted like chicken

8. Eight American states have an official state dinosaur

9. Sharks are still older than Dinosaurs and trees

10. The great extinction might have happened in minutes or hours

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