Nowadays, credit cards are a convenient way of managing finances as it allows you to purchase the products even when you do not have enough cash and pay that amount later on a particular date. In addition to that, the majority of the credit cards offer amazing rewards that make them worth using for transactions. Hence, it is quite difficult to find the best credit cards in India as there’s a lot of competition.
There are various types of credit cards that you can find in India. The two most popular of them are Airline credit card and Cashback credit card. Many people tend to get confused between them and end up taking the wrong car. Having said that, they are not able to enjoy the complete benefit of their selected card. Picking the best credit card in India is not rocket science as you just need to keep a few factors in mind and you are good to go. When it comes to rewards, both of them have their own advantages. There are several advantages of using credit cards and if used properly, they can prove to be the best substitute for most of the payment modes.
Select the most suitable credit card and enjoy the rewards. SOURCE:
Airline credit card
If you are someone who travels frequently for any purpose then an airline credit card will be the best credit card in India for you. Even if the miles are limited, you would still be able to churn out a lot of rewards and perks if you travel a lot. The miles generated in this credit are almost the same if compared to the cashback credit card. However, you can get amazing sign-up bonuses, which mostly include extra miles. These extra miles can be further redeemed into coupons where you can get amazing discounts on flight tickets and hotel bookings.
However, when it comes to airline credit cards, most of the benefits will be limited to airline facilities. As you will not be able to use this credit card anywhere else such as in gas stations or shopping complex. This happens because the airline credit card is linked to a specific airline company and they only allow the users to take advantage of their sponsor companies. Nonetheless, airline credit cards come with various other advantages such as it allows you to upgrade your seats absolutely free of cost, get access to airport lounges, priority boarding and even waived baggage fees. However, the benefits mentioned above can only be found on specific cards and not on a general travel credit card. Make sure to compare different companies and get the best credit card in India.
Cashback credit card
When it comes to cashback credit card, the user gets to enjoy a great deal of flexibility. As mentioned above, in the case of an airline credit card, you can only spend it on things related to airlines. On the other hand, you can use a cashback credit card pretty much everywhere. Here, you get the option to spend your money even on almost all sorts of purchases including travels. However, the major disadvantage of a cashback credit card is the high-interest rates. You are not getting the perks for free as you need to pay a high-interest rate in order to get access to them. Getting back to the benefits, the cash reward can go up to five per cent of the total transaction. In addition to that, there are some credit card companies who tend to offer double perks if you are making a transaction in any of the partner merchandise.
The reward offered by a cashback credit card is nothing but a statement credit, which can satisfy a part of expenses generated via monthly purchases. When it comes to getting cash benefits, the user needs to reach a particular limit in order to enjoy them. The limit varies from card to card.
Both types of credit cards have their own pros and cons. With the brief comparison of the two, it must be clear for you to choose the best credit card in India. Before opting for any credit card, you should always make sure to check the fees charged by the company. In many cases, the company can also apply a few hidden charges. Hence, it is advised to check each and every detail and then apply for it. Comparing both these types of card and telling which one is better can be difficult and depends entirely on an individual’s spending habits. However, with proper knowledge of the features and respective benefits, you can make a clearer choice on which card suits your lifestyle better. There are various credit card companies present in India so you should always compare different credit cards before choosing one as you might get better perks by paying the same fees and at the same interest rate.