Perhaps you’ve toyed with the idea of gardening for a while, but you never quite got around to starting. But now the inner gardener in you has finally pushed through, and you’ve made up your mind to dive headfirst into gardening. The only problem is you have zero experience when it comes to tending to a garden. As daunting as it may seem, there are a couple of pointers you can follow to customize that garden to fit your expectations.
- Know Your Garden’s Function
A garden can be multifunctional or serve a single purpose. Maybe it’s a space where you want to start growing a few vegetables. Or it could be you want a garden that helps to elevate your house’s aesthetic value. Perhaps you want a space where you and your family can sit and relax on a Sunday afternoon.
Knowing your garden’s function is vital since it will guide your landscape design. If you want a cultivation and recreation space, then you could partition it accordingly. If you’re going to a place to grow a few flowers or shrubs, then you’ll have to think about varieties that complement the rest of your home’s look. The bottom line, functionality is an essential determiner of your garden’s landscape layout.
- Have the Right Tools for the Job
So you’ve settled on the concept of a lovely little vegetable garden. You’ll need your shovel, spreading fork, spade, hoe, and so on. You’ll also need to address the issue of weeds and what better than a weed eater for the job. With cordless options available, look out for something lightweight and with a brushless motor, preferably for a more comfortable gardening experience.
If you’ve settled on an aesthetic garden, you’ll want something to keep the grass in prime condition. There’s no better companion than a push mower for all your grass cutting needs. An ideal push mower should be easy to use while also being robust enough to get the job done. Look out for a mower with a large enough deck that allows for a smooth transition from rear bagging to side discharge to enable a seamless grass cutting experience.
- Appreciate Humble Beginnings
Those gardening T.V. shows have a way of making it all seem effortless. They swoop in, spruce up a place in a couple of days, and that’s that. So you sit there and wonder how you’ll manage to pull off something of that proportion. But the fact is those shows have crews of tens of people working behind the scenes to get the job done.
Chances are you’re a one-person show when it comes to your garden landscaping. Cut yourself some slack and understand that it’ll take time to achieve the look you’re aiming for. Rome wasn’t built in a day and so won’t your dream garden.
- Location Matters
The last thing you want when designing and landscaping your garden is having it clash with the rest of your home. That’s why it’s essential to factor in your garden’s location. Case-in-point, using tire planters on the front end of your home. You may have a soft spot for them, but tire planters work better as a backyard ornament since not everyone may find them pleasing.
The location also matters when it comes to weather patterns. If you want a garden where you can enjoy some morning sun, then place it on the east side of your home. If you want your plants to enjoy some sweet afternoon sun, then a west side garden would do.
- Budgeting Is Important
Landscaping and money can’t be separated. And if you’re hoping to pull off your dream garden look, having a budget is an essential factor. Those plants and tools won’t come cheap.
Budgeting will help you get a scope of what can and can’t be done. Aside from the obvious stuff like seedlings, equipment, and fertilizer, you might also want to hire professionals to help you out. Each garden design comes with its cost implication.
- Consider Maintainability Just as Much as Design
Getting a garden started is quite the uphill task, but what comes requires just as much input and effort. It’s easy to get worked up and overcommit yourself. But if you’re going all out, then understand that the maintenance aspect will also require a lot.
Choose some low maintenance plants for starters. Basil is a good option if you want to build a herb-based garden. A good option for a flower choice is Hydrangeas since they require minimal pruning. Choosing easier-to-maintain plants is a sure way to keep your garden thriving with minimum input.
- Landscape Around a Focal Point
When designing your garden, select one point that will draw the eye’s attention to it. The focal point could be a beautiful tree, a stunning sculpture, or a simple tchotchke. Once you’ve incorporated your focal point, work outwards from there with smaller and more reserved pieces that compliment it without being distracting.
Avoid going overboard with the accessories in your garden. There’s a fine line between accessorizing and destroying. An overdone garden will give off a look of desperation rather than function. So, use ornaments sparingly.
- Light It Up
A great way to let your garden stand out is to add some lighting to it. That way, when the sun and night set in, your entire garden could draw the awe of passersby and neighbors alike. You’ve worked hard on getting your garden in tip-top shape, so why not show it off?
You could use light to brighten up the pathway, highlight your focal point, or to create a unique feel. Choose an outdoor light that works well with your landscape. Avoid lights that are too bright since they’ll compromise the ambiance you’re trying to create.
Landscaping your garden is a big undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be an impossible one. A bit of research goes a long way, and these tips are a perfect way to get a grasp of what to do. So dare to dream and turn your dream yard into a reality.