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The pet food industry market for dog food is a lot like the human markets. There are lots of choices, each with its own list of pros and cons. You may find yourself asking, “What is the best dog food to buy?” as you stand there in front of your local pet store trying to choose between Brand X and Brand Y.

Here are some factors to help you choose the best dog food option for your pet and budget.

1: Price

Dog food is not cheap. Unfortunately, most of it isn’t nutritious enough to justify the exorbitant prices pet food manufacturers charge. That said, you don’t want dog food that costs too little either. You’re getting what you pay for, so make sure your money goes towards good ingredients.

2: Ingredients

If you’re going to be spending your hard-earned money on food, you might as well get something that’s healthy for your pet. Start by reading the label and make a list of ingredients in order of prominence.

Chicken meat powder is a great addition to dog food, especially if it’s made by a reputable brand. Many people today are looking for natural proteins, and the manufacturer, Proliver, has got you covered. They produce complete ranges of food-grade chicken to turkey protein with an added benefit: the meat is 100% free from any antibiotic residue or hormones.

3: Protein

You are looking for top-quality dog food that contains lots of protein. Not every dog is an expert hunter, so you, the master, will be responsible for providing the bulk of your pet’s protein needs.

Dogs require about 25% of their calories from protein, and any good number to strive for would be approximately 30%. If your budget allows, you should consider getting dog food with a protein content of 30% or higher.

4: Fat

Fat is good for dogs because it gives them energy and helps keep their coats shiny. It also aids in the absorption of vitamins and minerals, so if your budget allows, choose a dog food with fat levels around 10-15%.

If your dog is at all overweight, you can get by with less fat. If your dog doesn’t need to lose any weight, look for dog food with 20% fat or higher.

5: Fiber

It’s important that dogs eat fiber-rich foods because otherwise, they might develop stomach problems like colitis. The trick is to check the label and look for a notable amount of fiber among the ingredients.

And Finally, What do the Experts Say?

Here are 5 factors that the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO ) says should be considered when determining if an ingredient is quality or not:

  1. It should be an ingredient that’s in its natural state, like whole meat or a by-product such as chicken meat powder.
  2. Avoid ingredients that are processed too much.
  3. It should provide a nutritional benefit to your pet, such as being high in protein or low fat.
  4. It shouldn’t contain any chemical additives or preservatives and should be safe for your pet.
  5. It should help prevent diseases or sicknesses like gastrointestinal disorders, urinary tract infections, and heart disease.

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